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Kloud-12: Classroom Video Perfected

Kloud-12: Classroom Video Perfected

The School District is looking into Classroom Cameras. At our regular scheduled meeting held on March 16th, the board heard a presentation from Kloud-12, a Georgia based company currently operating in 40 school districts in Georgia. The Kloud-12 Camera System operates with two Video Streams. There is a Classroom Instruction View and a Safety/Security View. Each one of the views is managed with one 360 degree camera that is ceiling mounted.

The School District is looking into Classroom Cameras. At our regular scheduled meeting held on March 16th, the board heard a presentation from Kloud-12, a Georgia based company currently operating in 40 school districts in Georgia. The Kloud-12 Camera System operates with two Video Streams. There is a Classroom Instruction View and a Safety/Security View. Each one of the views is managed with one 360 degree camera that is ceiling mounted. 

  • Safety during and after school hours
  • Impact on Student Behavior and Discipline
  • Inclusive for all learners - No more missed instruction
  • Equity and access to the best instruction - Video Libraries of Exemplars
  • Great Teacher Development - Reflection, peer - peer, model teaching, etc.
  • Student Support - RTI/MTSS 

What Next: Teachers, please be on the lookout for a survey regarding Kloud-12 and Cameras in the classroom. We want to hear from you.  Please review the presentation below to see more information regarding Kloud-12.

Click Here to watch Full-Screen


  • District Announcement