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1 2 3 7 > showing 1 - 24 of 156 constituents

Layton Albright

Grade 7 Science Teacher

Christy Anderson

Crossroads Teacher

David Arambulo

MS Band/Music Teacher

Annmarie Avila

SpEd Interrelated Teacher-enC
Exceptional Students

Royanne Baer

Grade 6 ELA Teacher

Shawn Baker

Grade 7 Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies, 7th Grade

Lesa Ballantine

SpEd Interrelated Teacher-enC
Exceptional Students

Tarah Billeiter

Grade 7 Math Teacher
Math, 7th Grade

Rachel Bond

SpEd Interrelated Teacher-enC
Exceptional Students

Lura Bozarth

Food Service Worker

Andrew Bragg

Grades 6-8 Exploratory Computer Teacher

Kaitlyn Bragg

Grade 8 ELA Teacher
English Language Arts (ELA), 8th Grade

Kelly Brinson

MS Counselor

Diane Brooks

MS Custodian/Maintenance

John Browher

Discipline Designee
Student Services

Aldrensa Brown

Food Service Worker
Nutritional Service

Christy Brown

Media Center Clerk/Para
Exceptional Students

Ivory Brown

MS SpEd Interrelated
Exceptional Students

Nelda Brown

Food Service Worker
Nutritional Service

Teresa Bruce

Grade 6 Math Teacher
6th Grade, Math

Caitlin Bryant

Project Search Para

Kimberly Butler

SpEd Interrelated Teacher
Exceptional Students

Kira Byrd

MS Connections Teacher-Reading
English Language Arts (ELA), 6th Grade

Kimberly Callahan

Nutritional Services Cashier
Nutritional Service