Directions to Away Competitions
Hwy 21 to Sylvania , get on North 301 bypass. Stay on 301 until you get to Hwy 24, turn left on Hwy 24 (north or West). Take 24 to Waynesboro ; turn Right onto South Side Dr. (356 Southside Dr 706 554-3532)
Langston Chapel (Statesboro)
Hwy 80. towards Statesboro, between Brooklet and Statesboro look for Liberty Convenience Store on your right and POJOs gas station on the left. Turn left onto
Tennis @ Mill Creek
Hwy 21 to Sylvania, in downtown Sylvania, turn right onto Ogeechee Rd. Travel ½ mile and then turn left onto Friendship Rd, school is on right. (
Hwy 21 towards
South East Bulloch (Brooklet)
Take Hwy. 80 towards Statesboro turn left onto
William James Middle School (Statesboro) Basketball
Hwy. 80 through Statesboro, once on the other side of Statesboro the school will be on your left. (18809 Hwy. 80
William James (Julia P. Bryant Stadium) FOOTBALLAs you approach Statesboro via Highway 80 continue to the BY PASS TRAFFIC LIGHT (Landmarks: IHOP, LOWE'S ETC.). From this point (don't include this traffic light) start counting traffic lights as you continue down Highway 80. Start counting traffic lights till you reach number 10. This will be
Traveling west on HWY 80 through Statesboro, left on
Traveling west on HWY 80 to Statesboro, take a right at the Veterans Memorial Bypass (just past Lowes). Go about 1 mile to a stoplight and take a right on HWY 24. Go through the next stoplight (